That's right, we have a girl on our hands! She is full of 'tude! This innocent little face is capable of manipulating, "talking" (more like sqwacking) back, and using her cute little hands to swat me when she doesn't like what I tell her. I actually had to resort to....TIME OUT! I know, I know; she is only 11 months old. I am sure that some of you out in blog land are judging me and wondering if I know that "developmentally she doesn't even understand". But, I beg to differ. The reason that I started 'time out' is b/c I was talking to another mother (Lisa) of a little girl (Charlotte) (cutie, by the way with an innocent face too!) about Yuri's behavior choices recently. She explained to me that they had similar instances with Charlotte and the same age and that they did 'time outs' which worked like a charm. After discussing the details, I decided to give it a try. Sure enough, later that day, Yuri started in with a fit and I used my "verbage" that I decided on and moved Yuri into our designated area. It was pretty drawn out but finally, she calmed down and we had a "heart to heart". This is my personal evidence of it's effects; later on, similar fit, I used my verbage and moved to the "area". It took her less than 10 seconds (about 10x faster than the first time) to collect herself. Maybe it was a fluke, but we haven't even had the need to use it again. I spkoe at length about it with my friend Anna (has her Masters in Early Childhood and knows a great deal about child development) and she was very supportive and even gave me some great info about 'time outs' and how to use them appropriately. All in all, I think I will continue to use them as a de-escalation tool.
Since Kasey expects no more than once every couple of weeks updates, I decided to stay true to my form. This was my first "official" week of summer because school let out last Friday. Yuri and I kicked off summer with a bang. Saturday, we made our first trip to the fountains at Tower Grove Park. We met Anna, Luca and Brian there and it was great. Yuri enjoyed it, but mostly liked to watch the other children around us.
Michael has been very busy repaving our sidewalk in our backyard. He is pretty much finished with all of it, except some details. It really turned out nice and I will post pictures of his handywork later. Thanks to all our friends who helped (Aaron and Matt). It really meant a lot to us that you took the time to come and help us on such a hot day!
Monday, Yuri and I went to Shaw Park Pool with Anna and Luca. We loved the time in the sun and Yuri and Luca are quite the playmates these days!
Tuesday, I had to go up to school to finish packing up my room. We spent most of the day hanging out with Liz and TJ. We made a trip to McDonald's where Yuri had her first Happy Meal. She at most of the hamburger and about half of the apple slices. I even gave her some cow's milk which she took to nicely. I am going to continue to give her a little each day.
Wednesday morning, there was the annual St. Stephen's Parade that goes right in front of our house. So we pulled out the blanket and watched. It was really cute and we got lots of candy! This is the reason I love our neighborhood (not the candy, but the cool events like this).
Then we went out to Webster Groves to meet Julie and Logan and Liz and TJ (that's a lot of ands). Julie is a member at the Webster Groves Pool, so we all went swimming and let me tell you: WG Pool Kicks Butt!! It has the greatest kiddie area! There was so much to do. We are going to try to make it a weekly thing (you asked for it Julie!!!). Yuri already has tan lines!!! (Of course I put sun block on her, she just has Daddy and Mommy's skin tone.) After all the pool fun (and a nap) we met Anna and Luca at Tower Grove and took a walk. It was great talking to Anna, yet again!
Thursday, we spent most of the day with Grandma Jeffery! We helped her hang up pictures in her house and as of today, she still likes where the pictures are hanging!
And finally, today! We had big plans to go to Suson Park to meet some friends but the rain changed those plans (and a flood at my school!) But we did go meet Grandma for lunch and then went to get Daddy's present! I'll show you that later!!!
We have big plans for this weekend too-a double header in our Kickball League tomorrow. Here are some pics of all the things I shared about our week. Enjoy! Don't forget to leave a comment-I'm tracking it now!!!!