Last week, Yuri and I went swimming to celebrate our last days of summer vacation. Here are some pics of Yuri in her swimsuit. She couldn't really get in b/c they don't make swim diapers small enough for her, but she looked cute relaxing by the pool, none the less.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Swimsuit Edition
Posted by The Malones at 9:18 PM 6 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
When You're Smilin'
That's right, Yuri is now smiling! She started last week! Dr. Whiteside was very impressed when we (Grandma Malone and I) told her that Yuri had already been smiling at people; she said the average is at 6 weeks (Yuri was only 4-1/2 weeks). Yuri even smiled at the nurse who was measuring her. Here is a video of her smiling!! She does it twice, you have to wait for it!
Let me give you a recap of our weeks, since it has been a while since I have blogged.
Last Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Malone came into town. Well, Grandpa was dropping off Grandma so she could spend some time with Yuri. I guess Yuri wanted to make sure that Grandma's week was worth it b/c she cooed for the first time and smiled for the first time.
Here are some pics.We had a great week. Michael had to go back to school so it was nice to have someone else around. Monday night, we went to meet our newest little friend: Preston Eash. It was so exciting to finally meet him. Kyle and Marisa looked great!
Wednesday was Yuri's 1 month doctor's appointment. She weighs 9lbs10oz and is 22 inches long. She is 75th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for length. What a big girl she is now! We also spent time with Aunt Renee and the cousins and Aunt Gina and cousin Will.
This weekend was very busy also. Friday, Michael had to drive Nancy back to Kansas City to meet his dad. Yuri and I spent the evening with Mema Redd. Yuri didn't waste any time and smiled at grandma right away. Saturday morning I woke up a 5 a.m. to drive Grandma J-funk to the airport. She is vacationing in Mexico as we speak! Lucky! Then we went to the Wohlgemuth's for a Back-to-School BBQ and after that to the Morrison's to visit Dave, Amie, Ben, and Jeremiah, who were in town from Nashville. It was fabulous to see them.
Sunday, Michael had a soccer game. My dad came and got Yuri and I to go eat at Gingham's (and see Aunt Amber). Once again, Yuri made sure that she showed Poppy how she smiles! After lunch, we went to see my Great Grandma Koch, which is Yuri's Great-great Grandma. She hadn't met Yuri so we made our way out to the home. She is 102 years old, so it was a very interesting and unique experience. Great Grandma LOVES babies. She can't see very well, or hear very well but when we put Yuri in her arms, she was in awe. She couldn't stop talking about how sweet and precious she was. After telling her roughly 50 times that the baby had not been just left here, but was in fact my baby, and telling her the baby's name was Yuri (of which she never got, but thought it was Jerry, Debbie, and Gary that we were saying) we said goodbye. That night, Dave and Amie stopped by on their way out of town. What a great way to end the weekend. Here are some pics of Great-great Grandma Koch and Yuri.Here are some other recent pics of Yuri!
Posted by The Malones at 1:13 PM 5 comments